Download the latest version of FocusWriter for Mac. Write without any distractions. Focus Writer is a minimalist text editor created specifically for ...
2024年2月23日 — FocusWriter is more than just a word processor for your Mac. With help, you can stay focused on your writing, without being distracted by ...
#4 You can run FocusWriter on Mac, Windows, as well as Linux computers. Now, I know it's not something significant considering it still doesn't offer anything ...
FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen ...
2023年7月11日 — It's available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, and has been translated into many different languages. Features. TXT, basic RTF, and basic ...
2024年1月31日 — FocusWriter is a free business and productivity software created by Graeme Gott that offers a simple and distraction-free writing environment.
Focus Writer is a free, multi-platform, open-source application. It includes a word count, character count, dictionary, tab system, and other useful features.
About ===== FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free word processor. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of ...